
Microsoft AZ-304 Exam: Important Details and Preparation Tips (i.e. Practice Tests)

Microsoft has one of the greatest certification programs in the world and it is used by a lot of individuals from different countries to give their careers a head start. As of now, Microsoft offers a plethora of certificates and all of them focus on specific areas. Microsoft Azure is all the talk right now and it has been adopted by a lot of companies around the world and this has created many new jobs. So, if you want to apply for any of these positions, you need to get certified first. One of the best credentials in this regard is Microsoft Certified: Azure Solutions Architect Expert. But to earn this badge, you will need to take the Exam Collection VCE Exam Questions .

All facts about Microsoft AZ-304 exam

The Microsoft AZ-304 exam is designed for a specific target audience. Any person who is taking this test should have knowledge and skills in IT operations, including disaster recovery, data platform, security, virtualization, and networking. The candidates should also have experience with Microsoft Azure otherwise they will have trouble answering some of the questions in the exam. If you feel that MS-100 Microsoft 365 Identity and Services Tests is not right for you, don’t fret because there are many other certification tests that you can check out.

The exact details of this exam are unknown because it is in the beta version, but if we look at other Microsoft tests, we can assume that Microsoft AZ-304 will also be around 2 hours long and will consist of at least 40 questions of different formats, for example, multiple choice and drag and drop. The exam is available in English and comes with the price of $165. It focuses on five main topics, such as:

• Design Infrastructure
• Design Business Continuity
• Design Data Storage
• Design Identity and Security
Download VCE from Exam Labs

You should know that the registration process can be completed through Pearson VUE, which is the official administrator of all the Microsoft exams.

Some preparation options for Microsoft AZ-304 exam

To obtain the Microsoft Certified: Azure Solutions Architect Expert certification, you need to make sure that you get the best possible score in the AZ-304 Microsoft Azure Architect Design Exam Dumps . To do this, you should prepare with great deliberation using the proper preparation resources. And as far as the AZ-304 test is concerned, you will do just fine if you utilize the official study materials as they are very reliable. If you want, you can also use other tools Click This URL . No matter what resource you use to prepare for your certification exam, you should always put this knowledge to the test. With exam dumps and practice tests, you can learn about your shortcomings and address them early on. This will help you prevent any mistakes in the actual exam.


The Microsoft certifications have helped thousands of IT professionals to build their careers. So, if you think that you need to give your career a much needed push, you should consider taking the MS-101 Microsoft 365 Mobility and Security Video Course . As a certified specialist, you should try to earn as many certificates as possible because with each one you will learn new and valuable skills.


Photo by Matthew Manuel on Unsplash

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