
Using Mindfulness to Overcome Your Fears

With endless information at our fingertips, we are constantly learning more about what it means to lead a full and healthy life. For many, living a healthy life means eating nutritious meals and participating in endurance training. For others, it is about training the mind and soul to accept life as it is. Both are acceptable ways to lead a healthy life!

There are many skills and techniques you can learn to train your mind. In recent years, people have relied on mindfulness as a way to cope with stress, overcome fears, and find happiness. Discover more about what mindfulness is, how it can help, and how to practice it!

What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is a type of meditation. Like most meditations, mindfulness is the act of sitting in a comfortable, isolated area that is quiet and perfect for focusing. With this type of meditation, you can focus on the present moment rather than the past or the future. Too often our fear and anxiety resonate with past mistakes or future worries. Mindfulness brings your mind and body to the present.

Mindfulness is also a way to examine one’s thoughts and feelings without bias. You can probably guess what you are thinking and feeling right now at this moment; however, can you understand your thoughts and feelings without trying to interpret them?

Mindfulness enables people to understand their inner being without judgment or classification. For example, you may feel fearful of something that happened. Mindfulness allows you to recognize the feelings of fear without actually feeling afraid.

You can learn more about mindfulness with the assistance of BetterHelp; they have many medically-reviewed articles that can better serve you on your journey.

Using Mindfulness to Overcome Your Fears

Focus on the Present

When overwhelmed with anxiety or fear, it can be hard to focus on the present. Mindfulness gives you the ability to move past this fear. If you want to overcome your anxiety with mindfulness, you will have to practice. Your practice may consist of sitting still with yourself, focusing on your mind and body, and ignoring the past and future. Find a quiet area and acknowledge how you feel (both inside and out) at that moment. This will take your mind off your fear of the future or your fear of a past encounter.

Don’t Judge Yourself Too Harshly

Even the most seasoned meditators will tell you that it is extremely difficult to recognize thoughts and feelings without judgment. When we have a thought or feeling, we almost immediately deem it good or bad. Feelings of anger and fear are bad, and feelings of joy and peace are good. However, mindfulness states that we should not categorize our feelings too quickly. By simply acknowledging thoughts and feelings for what they are and without actually feeling them, you can successfully remove all power from them. For example, you can recognize that you are afraid of the future without categorizing it as a bad feeling. This allows you to move past your fear.

Talk With Someone Who Can Help

Sometimes the best thing you can do is to talk to a professional! Many people can help you on your journey of mindfulness and overcoming your fear. People trained in meditation, therapists, yoga instructors, and licensed counselors are just a few examples of people who can assist you. By talking with someone who can help, you can learn multiple mindful techniques and methods. Let a professional help you practice mindfulness, accept the present, and overcome your fears!

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